Wednesday 2 May 2018

Year 3 Explore the Water Cycle

Year 3 having been enjoying their new topic on 'Water, Acids and Alkalis' in Science. This week, Scotland class have been learning about the water cycle.
Yesterday afternoon, we went outside and painted some shapes with water and a paintbrush. It started to evaporate within seconds which the children found fascinating! As it was a warm day, our water shapes had fully evaporated within 5 minutes.

'The sun heats up the water which makes it evaporate. It goes up to the sky and forms a cloud when it gets cold. When the cloud gets full up with water droplets, it gets heavy and rains. Then the process happens all over again.'  - Zephan Witchalls

'I learned that the scientific word for rain is precipitation' Charlotte Bowers

Niharika Sharma drew a fantastic diagram in her book showing the process.

At the end of the lesson the children joined in with a demonstration on making 'Clouds in a Glass'.
The experiment involved an aluminium tray of ice (covered in salt to reduce the temperature) to act as the condensation process.
Miss Winters carefully lit a couple of matches and blew them out to create our 'gas' smoke...
We put the matches into the glass of water and covered it with our tray of ice and watched the clouds form in front of our eyes.
Take a look for yourself below or click here!